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Enabling the poor and the needy for self-reliance



 a) Ram Singh Kaira (MLA, Nainital, Uttarakhand) inaugurates the computer training center and the various training programmes for women Read more..

 b) People gather around a medical camp Read more..

 c) Some voluntary social workers visit Read more..

 d) Meet with a feast Read more..

 e) The OASIS chief executive meets Sheila Dikshit Read more..

 f) Chief Promotors and adviser of Oasis Charitable Trust... Read more..


The OASIS CHARITABLE TRUST is working among very poor and needy people who have been neglected from other communities, for long. They are not at all able to take food even for one time of a day. Some of them do not have either their parents or other caretakers. Some are widows, while some are deserted. A lot of women and children are suffering from severe poverty and negligence. They are not able to take good food. They do not have proper nourishment, and so, their social growth is extremely undermined. This kind of people in the society must be up heaved from their miseries. Some of them are indifferent to depuration, and planning to commit suicide. Some have borrowed money from moneylenders, and not at all able to pay back. So, they have to tolerate a lot of discrimination and harassment from the moneylenders, and so, their houses and related possessions are lost. This makes them lose their houses, and so, they get no place for sleep. They have to wait until the shops to be closed, so they can sleep outside.

Some have houses or temporary shelters with roofs and walls made of plastic sheets in parks or somewhere outside the street without proper sanitation. Many are suffering from T.B (TUBERCULOSIS), and are not getting treatment or proper food, so it is spreading to all the community, at the same time, lots are under the threat or tragedies. Many children are not able to go to school, or they do not have proper dress to wear when winter or summer comes. They are the people who suffer the most in a society. In India, more than 40% of people are living below the poverty line.

Through us, if one person gets a meal for a time, or get good dress for once to wear, it will give a little joy and happiness to one’s, life. If so, what is an other joy to us! When our own children and ourselves take good food, and wear good clothes, why can’t we think about this for the left-out lives of poor people?

For the last 16 years, we have been working with different people, and witnessing the extremely pathetic life they are leading. We have been witnessing the painful and suffering lives everywhere around us, and it makes us cry many a time when we look at them. Oh, Lord! What should we do? We prayed and registered a trust (OASIS CHARITABLE TRUST) along with helping the poor and the needy people. We do share the love of God with them because, we get joy and happiness from the love of God. It is very sad to say that we do not get any help to run this organization from anywhere. We know that God has given you all a good and kind heart so we all can work together for the good of very poor and the down-trodden in the name of God. We request you all to help us go ahead in this mission together.

Thank you
May God Bless you All.
     www.octweb.org oasisct1@yahoo.co.in | jyothyprem@gmail.com