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Enabling the poor and the needy for self-reliance



 a) Ram Singh Kaira (MLA, Nainital, Uttarakhand) inaugurates the computer training center and the various training programmes for women Read more..

 b) People gather around a medical camp Read more..

 c) Some voluntary social workers visit Read more..

 d) Meet with a feast Read more..

 e) The OASIS chief executive meets Sheila Dikshit Read more..

 f) Chief Promotors and adviser of Oasis Charitable Trust... Read more..



All the people around us are persons of having charity and benevolence towards their co-beings. We estimate and take this into consideration very pleasantly and heartily. But, most of the people do not have direct contact to those charitable works.

In such a situation, we co-ordinate all those who are willing to help others voluntarily, and give them chance of working for others. We consider this to be of great importance as in the case of the financial donations provided by the benevolent citizens.

We invite those who are willing to work for the betterment and empowerment of the poor, to educate and train the poor children who come from the mostly neglected areas of the society. The volunteers can work in the following fields.

Our Strategy
  • Academic.
  •        At the time of vacations and other holidays, supplementary education is given to the poor children.

  •  Vocational
  •        Training in sewing and computer is carried on.

  •  Health
  •        Involvements can be in the field of medical camps provided for the poor.

  •  Nutrition
  •        Nourishments are provided, and the volunteers can have participation in maintaining the occasions.

  •  Personality development
  •         The volunteers can give away their contributions for the poor children.

  • Fund raising      
  •         The volunteers can directly help the Trust  in raising the fund.

  •  Surveys
  •         Volunteers can directly participate in the surveys

     www.octweb.org oasisct1@yahoo.co.in | jyothyprem@gmail.com